CT scanning of the Royal mummies
2005-on going
Sahar Saleem, a leader member of the Egyptian Mummy Project, participated in the CT scanning of the royal mummies of the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt with the renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass. Tutankhamun, Amenhotep III, Tiye, Seti I, Ramesses II, Ramesses III, and many more were among the examined royals.
The groundbreaking findings of the study included Intriguing theories about the death of Ramesses III , new evidences regarding beautification and insertion of skin fillers, clearing up long-standing misdiagnosis of mummy diseases, discovery of unique jewels and amulets in the mummies. Saleem published the results of the study in 10 scientific articles as well as a book 'Scanning the Pharaohs-2016'.
"Scanning the Pharaohs' got several awards: The Best Popular Science book by PROSE (American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence)-2017. And 'The Best Academic Title ' Award by CHOICE-2016.
More recently, Sahar Saleem CT scanned 12 royal mummies in 2019 (phase II) including: King Seqenenre Taa, King Amenhotep II, Ramesses V, and more. Saleem published several scientific articles that included the new scans.
Scenario of Display at NMEC (National Museum of Egyptian Civilization)
I have been chosen as a member of the Scientific committee of the Scenario of Display at NMEC-Cairo since 2018.
My main job for the opening of the Museum, was planning the display of the Royal Mummies' Gallery; Medicine in Ancient Egypt Showcase; and the Pre-historic Skeletons.

Royal Mummies' Gallery
I planned for the display of 21 mummies in the Gallery underground at NMEC. In the Gallery, each King and Queen has their own place together with their coffins and some belongings. At NMEC, the royal figures are housed in a descent way rathe than previously being jammed in two rooms at Tahrir Egyptian Museum.
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Fetal MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the fetus)
Sahar Saleem is an international expert and a pioneer in fetal Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Saleem started her practice in fetal MRI in Cairo in 2003, to be the first in the Middle East to provide this unique clinical service. Saleem designed the first protocol for MRI of the fetal heart and was awarded Cum Laude by Radiological Society of North America in 2007.
Saleem is also an international expert in fetal brain and spine imaging. Saleem participated in successful in-utero treatment of Joubert Syndrome, a devastating congenital brain malformation, using gene therapy.
Since 2003 till date, Sahar Saleem studied more than 1000 fetuses. Saleem published the results of her fetal imaging studies in 15 scientific articles in prestigious scientific journals, more than 30 papers in conferences, and chapters in 3 books. Several prestigious scientific societies awarded Saleem for her studies on fetal MRI .

CT scanning of The Royal Mummies of The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (Phase II)